Melisa Ramos: Creator & Founder

The idea was to create a brand that could embellish and contribute to earth all at once. After years of working with natural materials like stones, crystals and seeds I came to recycling and found paper. I saw in the big cities the large amount of paper waste. With the permanent idea of helping the planet, making a sustainable jewelry line Ecobloom was created.

At Ecobloom we do not just reuse paper, we use the glossy paper which is not recycled in NYC. This is how we save what can become waste and contaminate for decades and turn them into beautiful pieces you can enjoy. Ecobloom has worked in cities like Miami, NYC, LA and Madrid always recycling, reducing and reusing paper. Have fun, check our pieces and continue to help the green cause with Ecobloom.

Our Approach

In a world highly affected by fast fashion, global warming and the exploitations of the earth natural resources, eco-bloom stands for sustainability and eco-fashion.

Recycle, Re-use and Reduce are the main keywords of our philosophy. Every process from collecting the materials to assembling our pieces evolves these three elements. Every piece is handmade and carefully crafted.

In Eco-bloom we are committed to the environment in all its aspects and we always encourage our followers to do as well. Recycling, Re-using and Reducing is like returning to Mother Earth what she has given to us.


Recycle- Reuse- reduce

Ⓒ2022 eco-bloom, INC.

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